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A Year With Our Food Stories is THE cookbook to offer or to be offered if you are a fan of gluten-free cooking. 51 recipes and their ultra-tempting photos created by the famous German duo of Our Food Stories in collaboration with the publisher Gestalten.

soupe de courges et bougies
p 155, A Year with Our Food Stories - Gestalten 2022

A Year with Our Food Stories is a gluten-free cookbook inspired by a love of local produce and the art of the table. Photographer Laura Muthesius and food stylist Nora Eisermann - the Berlin duo of Our Food Stories - reveal their simple and delicious vegetarian recipes to share with family and friends. From cakes savored in the fragrant breeze of midsummer, to hot meals served by the fireside in winter, the book proposes living and cooking to the rhythm of nature. Pavlova, Mushroom Risotto, Mirabelle Plum Tart, Pumpkin Waffles or Vegan Pizza are on the total, around fifty recipes divided according to the seasons.

Our Food Stories was born about ten years ago following the observation of the lack of offers of gluten-free cakes in the German capital. Laura and Nora then decided to cook their own gluten-free cuisine, showcased perfectly on their Instagram account (with a million followers!). Ten years later, German publisher Gestalten and the Berlin duo share their recipes and country inspirations in their very first cookbook. The book perfectly reflects their philosophy: "It's not gluten-free that matters, everything should just look and feel delicious".

Kale Cabbage Raclette Recipe

recette de la raclette gluten free de Our Food Stories
p.223, A Year with Our Food Stories - Gestalten 2022

couverture du livre Country and cozy

A Year with our Food Stories, Gestalten x Our Food Stories - Gestalten 35,00€


pic credits © our food stories


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