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Audrey Nait-Challal has created small bilingual travel guides in which she delivers her favorite addresses. To date, around ten books have been published since the first edition in 2016. Between a travel diary and a photo book, Audrey invites us to explore cities and their surroundings with her, and shares her experience in an intimate atmosphere.

guide papier du pays-basque

From Porto to Amsterdam, Audrey Nait-Challal reveals her most beautiful discoveries through travel diaries that she has been self-publishing since 2016. The guides are sincere and truly give the feeling of traveling with the journalist. She freely delivers the addresses that have charmed her and that she shares with the reader as with a friend. In each edition, there is a map of the city drawn by hand and divided into districts on which all the good addresses are mapped: hotels, coffee-shops, restaurants, markets, florists, boutiques or flea markets. Audrey divulges there by chapter all the nice and useful places far from the tourist trails that she illustrates through pretty shots. Also, the young woman pushes the limits of the city and reveals the best addresses in the surrounding countryside.

extrait du guide touristique In the Mood for Amsterdam
In the Mood for Amsterdam

" We also discovered that a few pedal strokes from the city, there is a real countryside with its so exotic villages...I am happy to share them with you." In the Mood for Amsterdam_ Audrey Nait-Challal

To date, the collection includes seven city guides, two guides dedicated to Parisian cafés, as well as a "special edition" following a family road trip across the United States. The hundred-page booklets are published in a compact format that is ultra-convenient to carry, which slip easily into your tote bag.

Audrey designs everything herself: the search for addresses and their experimentation, the writing of texts and the photography. The guides are self-published, self-funded, self-distributed and sold at a very reasonable price (€19.00). So we strongly encourage their creator in her adventure so that she continues to give us her good plans. The guide to Amsterdam has just been published (and is full of nuggets!) but we can't wait to embark with Audrey on her next trip...


Editions In the Mood for...

inthemoodfor-editions I instagram @inthemoodfor_editions


crédit photo © audrey nait-challal


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