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A new New Age obsession, the cocoa ceremony has become THE trend for well-being rituals in Anglo-Saxon countries. Once again, France is lagging behind but the cocoa ceremony is expected to emerge among the groups of French yogis. An ancestral shamanic ritual of Native American peoples, cocoa would promote alignment of body and mind, activate emotional healing and accelerate re-anchoring with the earth, the deep self and others. The resurgence of the sacred caco ceremony undoubtedly reflects the contemporary quest for meaning and a return to origins.

assiette de cacao cannelle et anis pour la cérémonie du cacao
© soulfiresocial

The origins

For thousands of years, plants have been used in Native American cultures for medicinal, spiritual and ceremonial purposes.

Cocoa, literally translated as "blood of the heart" in Maya and considered the "Food of the Gods", is used by the indigenous tribes of Central and South America in the context of shamanic ceremonies, both sacred and therapeutic. His goal is to open his heart, explore his inner being and integrate into the great Whole of the Universe. Archaeological evidence of the use of cocoa in Central America dates back 3,900 years, but its use may date back 5,300 years in the Amazon. The massive genocide of indigenous populations during Spanish colonization and the rapid deterioration of evidence in tropical areas leaves little evidence of the practice of ancient rituals. On the other hand, cocoa is widely mentioned in the Popul Vuh, the most important text of pre-Columbian culture which tells the origins of the Maya civilization. Also, it is found in many engravings representing ritual offerings. We know that there were large warehouses of cocoa beans, that it was used as currency and that cocoa was already consumed as a drink. Cocoa still has an important part in Mayan culture today and is used by midwives, in weddings and other celebrations. A Mayan legend says that when the balance between humans and Mother Nature is disturbed, the spirit of cocoa comes out of the forest to open people's hearts and restore harmony between people and their environment. Suffice to say that it is topical!

Documentary on the cocoa ceremony shot in Guatemala © Produced by Cacao Lab and directed by Daniel Garcia

The ritual

Each session is different depending on the master of ceremonies, but the objectives remain the same for all practices: to let go of the past, to seek wisdom and inner truth and to discover the path to move forward in a life centered on the heart and the opening. The ritual traditionally begins at dawn in order to be fasting and better absorb the nutrients of the cocoa. We set a personal intention before we start. The shaman asks the cocoa spirit to guide us on our inner journey, to help us let go of what has become useless to us and to open the way to a better future. The guests are seated with their eyes closed, installed in a circle around candles, incense and sacred stones while the guide explains the course of the session and the virtues of pure cocoa. Then he invites the community to drink the bitter elixir. According to the practitioners, participants either sing in unison or lie down to promote relaxation and let themselves be carried away by a guided meditation. Gongs, rain sticks, crystal bowls or drums accompany the trip in all cases, the vibrations and the rhythm of the instruments inviting you to let go Once the meditation is complete, participants close the ceremony with ecstatic dances to the sound of drums or share highlights of their individual experiences with the circle. A cocoa ceremony is a beautiful journey of reconnection but don't expect to hallucinate or have a transcendental experience. We are very far from the ayahuasca ceremony since caco is not a hallucinogenic plant. It acts gently on the body, mind and heart, rebalancing the energies.

mains portant des fèves de cacao

The benefits

The cocoa used in ceremonies differs from the processed chocolate that we usually consume. “Real” cocoa is free of any additives. It has a very bitter taste and its virtues are contained in the pure bean. From a scientific point of view, cocoa is known to be rich in iron, magnesium, antioxidants and B vitamins. Cocoa is proven to boost the immune system and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Also, cocoa beans contain a mild psychoactive ingredient called theobromine - a mildly energizing bitter alkaloid also found in coffee - which is used medicinally as a heart stimulant and diuretic. It allows the dilation of vessels and increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain which induces the release of endorphins and dopamine, the hormones of well-being. Thanks to its theobromine content, cocoa is therefore a natural antidepressant and its magnesium content makes it a very good anti-stress and a recognized anti-fatigue.

cuillère de cacao en poudre et pétales de fleurs formant un arc
© towhatplace

From a more spiritual point of view, all these physiological virtues participate in the awakening of consciousness and access to our emotional and energetic body is also fluidized. By promoting intuition, creative inspiration and concentration, cocoa is therefore of great support in the exploration of the 'inner worlds' and in personal and expressive practices such as meditation, breathing work, yoga, music, singing, dancing ... If cocoa alone has many therapeutic virtues, the practice of the cocoa ceremony in groups would bring additional benefits. Indeed, cocoa increasing the energy field of the heart, the phenomenon is amplified in contact with other participants, all being linked by the same energy and vibratory frequency during the ceremony. And each being the bearer of a unique message, the interconnection between the energies of the participants works for sharing and accentuates open-mindedness. Cocoa ceremonies are increasingly popular; unlike other practices, they are accessible and safe for our health. Above all, they allow individuals to (re) connect to each other, to be aware of being linked to a Whole and are an opportunity to reconnect with our archaic memory.

Where to practice?

Urban practice

The Conscious club, located in the heart of Amsterdam, is a holistic center eco-green which offers many rituals aimed at raising awareness spiritual and environmental. Next cocoa ceremony organized on July 10, 2021 in Amsterdam

The most cozy

Located in the heart of the very trendy Tulum, Casa Violeta offers a ceremony in an idyllic tropical setting.

The most roots

The renewal of the ceremony is due to an American by the name of Keith who received the teaching directly from the plant and shares its benefits in ceremonies at his home in San Marcos, Guatemala.

The most high

Nestled in the heights of the Andes cordillera of Peru, the center Amaranka offers many holistic retreats in a setting breathtaking.

from 1280,00$ la week - without plane

Sélection Shopping

Magic Cacao, Maison Louno 39,00€

Cacao Ritual, Ancient + Brave 29,00€

Secret Cacao, Theobroma 24,90€

Infusion de cacao, GreenMa 13,00€

Notes et suggestions!

The treatments mentioned here are not medical. In any case, the information and advice offered here are not likely to replace a consultation or a diagnosis made by a doctor or a health professional.

image de couverture © amaruanka


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