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We hope that this New Year will be magical and bountiful for all. To welcome 2022 under the best omen, we will devote this week to purification and well-being. And what could be more symbolic than water for cleaning and regeneration. We will begin our ritual by using the technique of the magic glass of water which consists in asking the universe to grant all our wishes and / or to remove our blockages.

set of transparent crystal glasses

After two years of stress and restrictions, and without any certitude about the future, we have the right to allow ourselves a little dreaming and believe in the magic of the universe.

The principle

Whether one is mystical or on the contrary very Cartesian, water is one of the most powerful symbolic representations because it is the source of all life. It is a symbol of fertility, abundance and purification, and man has always seen this precious liquid as a gift from God and Nature.

Japanese doctor of alternative medicine, Masaru Emoto, has scientifically proven that water has a memory and that it is a vehicle of information that vibrates in charge of the information it picks up. The results of his study are published in his book The Water Miracle.

The glass of water technique, practiced for ages and made famous by Dr Luc Bodin, doctor of medicine, researcher and energy therapist, consists of asking the universe, God or his unconscious - according to beliefs - to remove blockages or bring prosperity. It is a simple process to activate a positive change in your life.

The technique

You will need:

- a flat glass of water (preferably crystal) without writing on it

- a blank sheet of paper

- a pen

- spring or mineral water

Before you start, make yourself comfortable in a quiet place, making sure you are not disturbed. Breathe deeply three or four times and set your intention: “What do I really want for this year?”. Once the inner calm is established, notice what emerges: a novelty in your life? a concrete achievement? the lifting of a material or emotional blockage? The wishes are endless ...

Two options are available to you. Either you want to see one or more blockages lifted, or you want to see wishes come true.

1 - Blockages lifted

On a white piece of paper, draw a circle the diameter of the glass. Inside this circle, write the situation (s) that you would like to see unblocked. Fill your glass 3/4 full with water and place the glass on the circle. Put the glass in a corner and wait 24 hours. The next day, flush the water in the toilet and burn the paper


2 - Wishes come true

On a white piece of paper, draw a circle the diameter of the glass. Inside this circle, write the wish (s) you want to see come true. Fill your glass 3/4 full with water and place the glass on the circle. Put the glass in a corner and wait 24 hours. The next day drink the water and keep the folded paper in a secret place. In any case, let the magic happen, be patient and believe in yourself and in the universe!

Notes et Suggestions!

Warning! The wording of your wishes and affirmations must be positive!

Example: "I want this" and not "I don't want this anymore"!


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